People are kind and I'm grateful for my friends and select family. 🙄 While I try to practice gratitude and remain calm in life, sometimes I experience a bad mood. This week I was in a grouchy mood. I'll share some tales, and if my memory is foggy, we'll start with why that is.
Why are her pets so pissy looking? |
I've noticed a dramatic and drastic increase in my gray hair. I'm not a vain person and I do not think looks are
everything. But it would be nice not to look like Granny. You know what I just remembered? I wore a fucking cameo to my junior prom with my high-necked, knee-length, long-sleeved black velvet prom dress. "
You've always been the granny." So, it seems I might have been born an older woman?
I can't remember if this was this morning or yesterday. There's a turn signal to go left across railroad tracks on my way to work. 🚂🚃 If I don't make it before a certain train, I'm running later to work than I prefer. So, the light has an extra sign on it that lights up with a "no left - train" symbol. 🚦 Well, the train went by and the light was green for around ten seconds. The person in front of me just sat there until the light turned yellow (
yellow means go!) and then we had another fucking train come. Now, to keep this in perspective, it was only the span of about five minutes. But the stress of this dope not going when we had this brief opportunity really ticked me off. I heard stress isn't great for your body.
stress from this road rage made the sauces of my feet boil a little.
I know that I need to calm my french fry brain when I'm
driving. It's so hard to keep cool. And I can't get into
altercations and tell other drivers: "Hey, blow it out your
drinking straw ass!"
I am finished with my lady painting and almost with the companion one. Finally! While I was so excited and I loved doing this, it was kind of dragging at the end.
Now, I'm starting on my boom box, back to the 80s. I think the book I'm writing is going to take place in the late 70s, early 80s.
There will be AIDS and Fleetwood Mac galore.
While I think she's absolutely beautiful and talented, and I am not trying to be mean, this is a terrible photo. She looks like a hillbilly Cher. I obviously look just ravishing and didn't have to put cover up on a mustache breakout scar at the gym or anything.
Ba-chomp, bachooey chomp.
But I do not look like a Hillbilly Cher. "I Got You Babe" still makes me tear up a little. Oh, but Sarah does look like the dark lady from the song "Dark Lady" who I think kills someone at the end.
While I try to keep negativity at bay, there is a yin (I thought this was ying; nobody is perfect and I screw things up like this all the time) and yang to life, this balance. It stands to reason that we need to have a release at times.
I guess it's just making sure we don't turn into nightmares.
Well, another weekend begins and I'll recharge so I won't be as nasty next week. Of course, I'm a woman so hormones naturally play a part in this. This will be us next week. I also made a new year's resolution to be a better friend, so I shouldn't be a complaining, anxious, enraged piece of shit. I also made a resolution to write more and then they put the fucking Golden Girls on Hulu. It's a great show. I wish I didn't like TV. I wish I could get on board with listening to NPR, too. I am what I am, Popeye style. I do love spinach, too. 🌿 I lift 20-30 lbs. at the gym, son. I wrote a poem which oddly mentions spinach lasagna. It needs work. Jesus, don't we all.