Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sandwiches for a bewitching non-witch.

Today my work had sandwiches for lunch.  We each got to pick two halves.  I picked tuna (my favorite) and Italian.  Instead of two halves, they gave me a whole tuna and half the Italian.  I don't mind telling you this was like winning some sort of lottery.  I had tuna for lunch and the Italian for dinner.  I love sandwiches!  And, I actually love my job! 

Of course, someone did ask if I was a witch today.  I have no issue with witches.  It happened on a dating app, so I was not surprised.  This set off a lot of thoughts in my head, mostly thoughts about how I seem to attract or encounter such odd people and situations in the dating world. 

I went to a restaurant where the woman's first language was not English.  I want to make it clear: I am not making fun of non-native English speakers.  Most of them do a hell of a lot better than I would at learning another language.  And I also think there's racism surrounding the chastising or mocking of non-English speakers in America. 

She was sweet and when I was looking at the drink menu, she said, "Take your time, girl."  We chuckled because she was sassy in how she said it.  I was with three men, two in their 40s, and one in his 20s or 30s who looks really young.  When she addressed him, she called him "boy."  We were trying not to laugh in her face.  She clearly gets boy and girl are the same type of word.  And if people say "girl" like "you go, girl," etc., then why not say boy?  One of my friends said "Don't try saying that in Selma."  It just made me think how beautiful language is and how innocent and wonderful human nature is here.  You have this woman who is trying to relate to people and show her personality in a language that is not her own.  Then, there's the ugly side.  In this "boy" banter, which is innocuous, she is drudging up a horrible, terrible human trait of racism.  I really wish more people were like her when it comes to the words they choose: happy and sweet, hoping to make someone smile.  And that she did to all of us. 

The witch comment made me think as I was going into the gym.  In love and romance, is it that two people meet and there's just that spark, that thing that cannot be named, which causes them to just gravitate towards each other?  Or is it that two people know what they want and with timing being right, they just happen upon each other?  Is love magical or just accidental?

I made huevos rancheros and it was delicious. 

This looks like Audrey II's va-jay-jay.

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