Thursday, December 8, 2016


I don't understand why it's called Thirsty Thursday and I am not Irish.  Do you ever notice at Christmas time or holiday time people start driving like shit-bags?  I also am driving like a complete asshole these days.  I am not knocking anyone for it.  I just don't know why we do it.

Speaking of monsters, I am trying to think of who might be worse: Bill Cosby or O.J. Simpson?  O.J. got bit in the ass by karma, apparently, which I thought was spelled kharma or some weird way.  But Bill Cosby had more victims.  I mean, O.J., you killed someone.  That's a bold move.  And it's a sad thing to do.  I'm glad I haven't assaulted anyone, or, really, harmed anyone physically.  I kicked my sister in the crotch wicked hard when I was nine.  What can I say?  I'm sorry.  I have to live with that regret.

I heard 'December' by Collective Soul today.  I think that song and 'Shine' are complete shit.  No offense, Collective Soul, and it's not like I have any chart-toppers.  I do like 'Jumper' but I'm pretty sure that's Third Eye Blind, possibly.

'A Long December' by Counting Crows is a decent tune and I heard that one today, too.  I know The Decemberists is a band but I have no frigging clue about anything else.  I feel like I'm aging inside a soup can; like I'm some old woman trapped in a Twilight Zone episode.

Another good point: if you were dying, why would you care about current events?  They will have no impact on you.  Speaking of, a chunk of ice the size of India has melted since 1982.  I was six and I was about to turn seven and get two raincoats, go to see Annie at the movies, and lose my first tooth by biting a pickle on a hamburger.

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