Sunday, February 5, 2017

Movie Stuff

I watched Driving Miss Daisy for the first time the other day.  I have a crush on Dan Aykroyd.  I can summarize the entire movie for you: they're creeping towards death (aren't we all!) with a terrible pit stop at old age where they finally realize they're best friends (perhaps the original frenemies?) who were never honest with each other.  *Spoiler Alert*: One of them will have Mr. Magoo glasses and visits the other one who lives in a home and forgets how to eat pie.

I'm pretty sure this is pie, but I can't see shit in my glasses.  Your robe smells like pee, but I'm not sure if there are visible urine stains.  Again, I can't see in these glasses.  I keep telling you this because since you forgot how to eat pie, I'm not sure if you remember that I have hilarious Magoo glasses but I cannot really see.

Speaking of mortality, in You Only Live Twice, 007  🔫 has a fake funeral and they dump his body in the ocean.  A submarine picks him up.  They unwrap him.

 I have a gross thumbnail myself, so you know I'm not sitting in some thumb-ivory tower.  But this guy's thumb is nasty.  Why is he the possibly infected one who removes the breathing apparatus?  👍🏽 Couldn't they have an able-thumbed person do it?

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