Friday, December 30, 2016

Want to touch my unique yarn shaft?

These boots are everything to me right now.  Happy New Year for 2017.  I wish all my reader (making this plural would seem sort of arrogant) peace, love, and health for the upcoming year.  I guess I wish it for non-readers, too.  May you all find your unique yarn shafts.


I will wear these boots until my feet are bloody stumps.  I will wear these boots until my feet are shaped like the bound Chinese ladies' feet of days of yore.  I will wear these boots to my grave and when I dance on yours.

Do people really get off on stomping baby birds and animals?  That makes me sick.  Please don't hurt animals.  We might be eating them, but not stomping them for our own pleasure.  Not to get all righteous. These boots will never do that.  Birds are so beautiful.  The Coldplay song ain't bad, either.  Whose bed will these boots be under?  Shania Twain style, bitches.

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